Here's what the hubs and I were up to this past weekend...
Friday we spent preparing for a neighborhood garage sale we hosted Saturday morning with my Mom. After getting married, we had accumulated quite a large pile of things we had replaced with new and shiny wedding gifts. My parents also recently moved, so they had lots of things to sell. So Saturday morning we got up bright and early (isn't that what we all want to do on a Saturday?) and got to selling! We actually made quite a loot and were presently surprised at the random junk that people bought of ours. Win for us!
The big kicker of our weekend began earlier in the week and has really thrown our lives in a tizzy. Here's a little back story for you... We moved into our new home in March of this year. After living there for several months, our wood floors began to cup and seemed to be warping. This was especially bad in the entry hall to our bedroom (which backs up to our master shower). After the wood floor guys came out to look at it, they told us we had a leak somewhere. It was finally identified Thursday (after ripping up a large portion of our floors) that we had a leak in our shower that had been slowly creeping under our hardwoods for months. GREAT, right? Well, when we got home Saturday, the carpenters decided they needed to come out and look at the damage. To our surprise, they determined, right then and there, that our master bedroom carpet needed to be ripped out because it had gotten wet. You can bet I wasn't the happiest girl that afternoon.
Here's a look at the damage. They brought in a fan and dehumidifier to dry some of it out. Yes, our dresser is in our dining room...
Our poor bedroom... At least we get new carpet :\
The culprit of the incident...
And the hubs and I's home for the next few weeks. A little cozier than our bedroom.
We ended Saturday night needing to get out of our house, so we went and ate at Senor Tequila to cheer me up. After that we went by my parents house to enjoy their first fire in their new backyard. It was the perfect fall fire weather!
Brother Brody is in the picture with me somewhere. Poor black doggies don't photograph well :)
We had a great weekend despite a few hiccups we have going on at our home. Let's hope I get through these next few weeks alive.
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