
October 30, 2014

Tiny Grandma

This past Tuesday morning, my "Tiny Grandma" passed away. I am one of the very lucky ones who has had the honor of knowing my great-grandma's on my Mom's side my whole life. My family is not large, but very close knit. We love each other deeply and I couldn't imagine my childhood without each and every one of them.
Growing up, each summer I would spend a week in Hollis, Oklahoma visiting my grands and great-grands. It was always the BEST time, switching off which great I would stay with each day while my grandparents went to work. In honor of my Tiny Grandma, I thought I'd share a few memories from the days I spent with her.

  • We always always always watched the Price is Right in the mornings. She passed her love of that show on to me and although I can't watch it every day now because of work, I was proposed to with a Punch-A-Bunch board from the show because I love the Price is Right too!
  • She had an old ten key calculator that spit out the receipt paper. I LOVED it, and would play "cashier" with it for hours. Maybe that's where the accountant in me originally began...
  • Two Words: Chocolate Crackers. Every single Christmas she would make the most fantastic chocolate crackers. My mom LOVES them, probably more than anyone else in the family, but each year we try to recreate them without Tiny Grandma's help it is a failure. She had just the right touch to make the chocolate fudge spreadable. I'm sure her legacy will live on this Christmas and result in another fail.
  • She would braid my hair in the best braids. 
  • Tiny Grandma was also the only one in our family who ever had a knack for sewing. She made me many dolls, blankets and other treasures throughout the years. (I wish I got that talent from her)
  • She never ever missed a football or baseball game of one of her "teams". I don't know many women who can stand to watch every single Atlanta Braves baseball game in a season, but she did it and she loved it.
Today, we will head to Hollis to lay my great-grandma to rest tomorrow. I know she is in a happier place with her husband, but it doesn't make it any easier for those of us still here. I will cherish the memories we made together forever and remember how lucky I am to have known her for the first 25 years of my life. 

We love you so much Tiny Grandma!


  1. So sweet- I'm sorry for your loss Bri. Cherish those memories!!!

  2. Tiny Grandma sounds like a wonderful lady and someone you guys were lucky to have! What a lovely post in her honor. So sorry for your loss. You guys have a safe trip. Love you!
